Exporting Wiki Pages As Text

Exporting Wiki Pages As Text

JOSIF Main Page | Backup Process | Exporting Wiki Pages As Text


It is sometimes necessary to export a mediawiki page as editable text. Unfortunately, the Sourceforge Mediawiki does not have the Collections extension installed for doing this. however there is a separate python program which can be used to convert wiki pages into PDF, DocBook or OpenOffice documents. For our purposes, exporting as open office documents is the most generally useful since these can be edited and / or converted to word or PDF.

The application is called mw-render which is part of the mwlib library and is documented here

Although it is possible to install mwlib on windows, the developers strongly advise against this and recommend installing on a Debian installation. I tried installing Centos 5 mwlib packages but they failed badly - although Fedora 12 is reported to work.
However I found it relatively easy to get going on Debian 5 using the following instructions:

After installing the library I wrote the following script to export the wiki pages in a reasonable order. Please note that this will need changed as the Wiki changes.

I have uploaded the example output to https://openoss.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/openoss/tip/admin/Contributions/MediaWikiExportDocExample
JOSIF_Guidebook_Example.doc ( microsoft word 97 exported from open office 3.1)
JOSIF_Guidebook_Example.odt (open office document - exported by mw-render from openoss wiki)

mw-render --config=http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/openoss \
--writer=odf \
--output=./JOSIF_Guidebook.odt \
Joint_Open_Source_Interface_Framework \
Overview \
JOSIF_Rel_1.0 \
JOSIF_Rel_1.0_Release_Notes \
JOSIF_Guidebook \
Tooling \
Modeling \
Interface_Meta-Model \
General_Patterns \
General_Patterns_-_Future \
Shared_Framework_Model \
Common_Framework_Model \
Internal_Framework_Model \
JOSIF_Framework \
TIP_Soap_Generator \
TIP_Soap_Generator_Mapping_Rules \
TIP_Soap_Generator_Mapping_Rules_-_Part_I \
TIP_Soap_Generator_Mapping_Rules_-_Part_II \
TIP_Soap_Generator_Mapping_Rules_-_Part_III \
TIP_Soap_Generator_Mapping_Rules_-_Part_IV \
TIP_Soap_Generator_Mapping_Rules_-_Part_V \
TIP_Soap_Generator_Mapping_Rules_-_Part_VI \
TIP_Soap_Generator_Mapping_Rules_-_Part_VII \
TIP_Doc_Generator \
TIP_Doc_Generator_DocStructure \
TIP_Doc_Generator_UserGuide \
Display_Rules \
TIP_Profile \
TIP_RSM_Profile \
TIP_MetaModel_Model \
TIP_Generator_Internal_Model \
TIP_Common_Model \
TIP_Fmk_Test1 \
TIP_Fmk_Test2 \
TIP_Fmk_Test3 \
TIP_Model_Validator \
TIP_Model_Validator_ErrorConditions \
TIP_Model_Validator_UserGuide \
Project_Structure \
Getting_Started \
Setting_Up_Environment \
JOSIF_Project_Creator \
Updating_Project_Versions \
Version_Numbering \
Backup_Process \
Bug_Tracker \
Bug_Tracker_Projects \
Frequently_Asked_Questions \
TIP_Interfaces \
Service_Problem_Management \
JOSIF_Main_Page \
News_Archive \
Presentations_and_White_Papers \
TIP_Project_Governance \
Project_Management \
Design_Patterns \
TIP_Project_Creator \
Framework \
Framework_Guidebook \
OpenOSS_Website_Documentation \
Information_Model_Tooling \
Interface_Tooling \
JOSIF_Subversion_Documents \
Main_Page \
Sandbox \
TIP_Main_Page \
TIP_Platform \
TIP_Subversion_Documents \
TIP_Tigerstripe_Profile \