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Data aspects are written in terms of entities and datatypes with their attributes and are described in section section Information Modeling.

Operation aspects are written in terms of operation signatures and notification signatures.
Notification signatures specify any argument types.

Operational aspects are described in section section Operational Modeling.

For instance, in the Web-services Profile, entities and datatypes are specified in terms of XML-Schema. Operation and notification signatures are specified in terms of WSDL operation-types while argument types are specified by means of XML data-types (i.e. a WSDL and XML schema).

The meta-model of a TIP interface shown below shows the split between the information modeling and the interface modeling:

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The Information part of the meta-model (colored in blue) will be mapped to both RSM and Tigerstripe artifacts.
The Operational part of the meta-modeld (colored in orange) will be mapped only to Tigerstripe.
Boxes in light yellow refer to datatypes used in the meta-model.

The meta-model is also available as a Tigerstripe project (See TIP_MetaModel_ Interface Meta-Model).

Stereotypes are used to complement standard UML properties to bring implementation-related decoration. This information is decribed here in a neutral way. Patterns used to define the stereotypes can be found in the Stereotypes section of the General Patterns. Detailed description of the stereotypes can be found in TIP RSM Profile for the Information Model part and in TIP Profile for the Operational part and the overvall implementation view in Tigerstripe.


Package hierarchy is identical in RSM and Tigerstripe, but package names are different as RSM package names are not suitable for implementation.
The attribute implementationPackage of the tipPackage stereotype is used to do this mapping. It will contain the name of the implementation package to be used in Tigerstripe. It is mandatory for all implemented packages.
Figures, examples, instances should be grouped in specific packages, which will be marked with the stereotype _ doNotImplement_  doNotImplement. Such packages won't be exported to Tigerstripe.



*any : allow at implementation level to be replaced by any datatype.
*objectName : will be replaced at interface level by an EntityIdentifier (please refer to the Entity _ Identifier section of the Internal Framework Model) allowing to input any entity. When the entity to provide has a known type, then an explicit association should be preferred.
*String : not that in Tigerstripe, this is String with a capital S.
*time : correspond to ITU-T time.


A Service Interface can also manage Entities and emits Notifications.
In TIP, a number of notifications (Object Creation, AVC...) are defined against the Entity (see the Entitysection  section of the Interface Meta-Model). To indicate that these notifications will be emitted by a Service Interface, the entity should be associated as a Managed Entity to the Service Interface in the Details tab of the Service Interface. Explicit notifications can also be added there.


Operations alwways retrun void. Output is returned using inOut or Out parameters. Operations can throw exceptions. All pre-defined exceptions (see the section section  Exceptions in  in the Genarel General Patterns) are automatically added by the generators to the operation.


TIP defines a common parent for all TIP Notifications. It is called NotificationBase. This type is injected by the TIP Generators into code generated from Tigerstripe Event (i.e. notification) artifacts where the 'Extends' field has been left as an empty string. It includes 3 attributes: sourceTime, ObjectType and ObjectId. Please refer to the Notifications section of the Internal Framework Model for details.

The characteristics of a Notification are:


There are two types of common exceptions defined in the Interface Framework, i.e., predefined common exceptions and optional common exceptions. Interface developers should try as much as possible to reuse these common exceptions rather than creating new ones. Please refer to General_Patterns#Exceptions to Exceptions section of the General Patterns for more details on this pattern.

All exceptions have a common parent ExceptionBase. This type is injected by the TIP Generators into code generated from Tigerstripe Exceptions. See the section Pre-defined Exceptions of  of the Internal Framework Model for  for details.

The characteristics of an Exception are:
