TIP RSM Profile

TIP RSM Profile

JOSIF Main Page | JOSIF Guidebook | Tooling | Information Model Tooling | TIP RSM Profile


RSM uses a profile to define the stereotypes applicable to a project.

TIP has defined a unique TIP RSM Profile (TIPProfile.epx) that is applicable to the SID and the information model part of all interface projects.

This section explains the detailed contents of the TIP RSM Profile.

The information in this profile that are specific to JOSIF V1.1 are marked explicitely.


TIP is using stereotypes to provide implementation-level decoration on the model that can be used in Tigerstripe by the generators.

The stereotypes applicable to the Information Model are defined as a profile in RSM.

The pattern used in TIP is to define 1 stereotype per type of object, named tipXxxx, where Xxxx is the type of object. This stereotype will contain a number of attributes where each attribute will contain a specific decoration. This is further explained in General_Patterns

The top level stereotypes defined in TIP,applicable to the Information Model are:

*tipClass for Entities
*tipDatatype for Datatypes
*tipAttribute for Attributes of Entitities and Association ends
*tipAssociationClass for Association Classes
*tipPackage for Packages

The stereotype doNotImplement is used to indicate objects that should not be implemented as part of interface development, like a package containing only examples or instances, or an association that is only present for illustrative purpose. It does not imply this object should not be used outside of interface development. This stereotype is applicable on most SID objects.

Note that the tipEntityXxx (like tipEntityCreate) stereotypes used to describe the common operations are not available in the TIP RSM Profile, even if they apply on the class. These stereotypes are only available in Tigerstripe.


This stereotype provides the enhanced definitions for classes that are relevant for application in a TM Forum interface.

It contains the following attributes:

*objectCreationNotification : Indicates if an Object Creation Notification should be generated for this Entity. Possible values:

    • NA : Not Applicable. No Object Creation Notification will be generated.
    • NO : No Object Creation Notification will be generated.
    • YES : An Object Creation Notification will be generated.

      *objectDeletionNotification : Indicates if an Object Deletion Notification should be generated for this Entity. Possible values:

    • NA : Not Applicable. No Object Deletion Notification will be generated.
    • NO : No Object Deletion Notification will be generated.
    • YES : An Object Deletion Notification will be generated.

      *objectDiscoveryNotification : Indicates if an Object Discovery Notification should be generated for this Entity. Possible values:

    • NA : Not Applicable. No Object Discovery Notification will be generated.
    • NO : No Object Discovery Notification will be generated.
    • YES : An Object Discovery Notification will be generated.

      *support : This property indicates whether the identified entity must be represented in TIP interface or not. If the entity is required to be represented in all cases then the value should be set to "M" (Mandatory) otherwise it should be set to "O" (Optional) indicating that a choice will be made on some other basis at some other point in the process. Possible values:

    • O : Optional (default).
    • M : Mandatory


This stereotype provides the enhanced definitions for datatypes that are relevant for application in a TM Forum interface.

It contains the following attributes:

*isExtendable : Indicates if the class is extendable. Extensibility is described in the general patterns (General_Patterns). Boolean attribute with default being false.


This stereotype provides the enhanced definitions for attributes that are relevant for application in a TM Forum interface.

It contains the following attributes:

*isInvariant : This property indicates whether an attribute value will change through the life of the object or not. If the value will not change throught the life of the object the value of this property will be set to TRUE. If the value may change this property should be set to FALSE. Boolean attribute with default being false.
*notificationDefinition : This property indicates whether a notification is to be raised on change of an attribute or not. If a notification is required to be raised on change of value of the attribut this property should be set to YES otherwise it should be set to NO. Possible values:

    • NA : Not Applicable. No AVC Notification will be generated for this attribute.
    • NO : No AVC Notification will be generated for this attribute.
    • YES (default): An AVC Notification will be generated for this attribute.

      *passedById : Indicate if an attribute is passed by Id (True) or by value (False). If passed by Id, then only an EntityId will be passed, otherwise the whole object will be provided. Boolean attribute with default being false.
      *support : This property indicates whether the identified attribute must be represented in TIP interface or not. If the attribute is required to be represented in all cases then the value should be set to "M" (Mandatory) otherwise it should be set to "O" (Optional) indicating that a choice will be made on some other basis at some other point in the process. Possible values:

    • O : Optional (default).
    • M : Mandatory

      *settableAtCreation : Only in JOSIF V1.1. This property indicates if this attribute is settable at creation. If true, it indicates that this attribute can be part of the create data of a create directive if one is provided. Boolean attribute with default being true.
      *usedForNotificationFiltering : Only in JOSIF V1.1. This property indicates that this attribute is used for notification filtering. It means that this attribute will be added to all common notifications. Boolean attribute with default being false.


This stereotype provides the enhanced definitions for association classes that are relevant for application in a TM Forum interface.

It contains the following attributes:

*support : This property indicates whether the identified association class must be represented in TIP interface or not. If the association class is required to be represented in all cases then the value should be set to "M" (Mandatory) otherwise it should be set to "O" (Optional) indicating that a choice will be made on some other basis at some other point in the process. Possible values:

    • O (default) : Optional
    • M : Mandatory


This stereotype provides the enhanced definitions for Packages that are relevant for application in a TM Forum interface.

This stereotype is MANDATORY for all packages in the SID and relevant values should be provided for all properties for all packages in the SID.

It contains the following attributes:

*implementationPackage : define in RSM the package name that will be used in Tigerstripe. It allows to do the mapping from RSM package name to Tigerstripe package names. Package names are local with the top layer being org.tmforum.tip. Java-style package names should be used, with short names to keep the overall package name short enough for the implementation. Reserved eclipse words should be avoided. String datatype.
*SIDPackage : Only in JOSIF V1.1. Defines in Tigerstripe the package name that is used in SID. It allows to do the mapping from SID package name to Tigerstripe package names. This is not used in RSM and should be left blank, but is needed for alignment of stereotypes between RSM and Tigerstripe. String datatype.