JOSIF Main Page | JOSIF Framework | TIP Model Validator


TIP Model Validator validates a TIP model project against some pre-defined error conditions. It shows all findings (errors, warnings, information) in Eclipse 'Problems' view.

Subversion Location



Error Conditions

Please refer to TIP_Model_Validator_ErrorConditions for the errror conditions the validator supports.


Software prerequisites

1. Eclispe Galileo for javaEE developer

2. Tigerstripe Workbench 0.5M2

Installation process

The validator is a standard Eclipse plug-in. It is packaged as a jar file. To install the plug-in into Eclipse Galileo, please

0. download the latest package from OpenOSS SVN:

1. Stop the eclipse if not yet

2. Copy the latest package into "plugins" folder of Eclipse.

Note that if there is an old version of the plug-in installed, please delete it.

3. Start the Eclipse. To ensure the new plug-in is detected, you can use '-clean' tag in start up command, for example,

C:\IDE\eclipse-jee-galileo-SR2-win32\eclipse.exe –clean

4. Check the installation

In current workspace, right click on a TIP model project, if you see "Validate TIP Model" item in popup menu, you successfully installed the plug-in.


Run the Validator

1. right click on the TIP model, then in the popuped menu, click the item 'Validate TIP Model'

2. When the generation is successfully completed, you see

1) the resources of the model project are marked if there are any errors or warnings related to them are found.

2) a dialog summarizes the validation results.

Click on 'OK' on the dialog.

Check the Findings out

All findings (errors, warnings, and information) are shown in the 'problems' view.

1. In 'problems' view, click on a (error, warning, or information) message, the relevent resource will be opened.

Known Issues

1. The validator does not given precise line number for findings.

2. the validator does not support automatically re-validation. Once you updated a model, to check the model, you will need to explicitly run the validator from the menu.