OSIF Main Page | JOSIF Guidebook | Modeling | General Patterns | Stereotypes
TIP is using stereotypes to provide implementation-level decoration on the model that can be used by the generators.
The pattern used in TIP is to define 1 stereotype per type of object, named tipXxxx, where Xxxx is the type of object. This stereotype will contain a number of attributes where each attribute will contain a specific decoration.
The top level stereotypes defined in TIP are:
*tipClass for Entities
*tipDatatype for Datatypes
*tipAttribute for Attributes of Entitities and Association ends
*tipAssociationClass for Association Classes
*tipPackage for Packages
*tipServiceInterface for Service Interfaces
*tipOperation for Operations
*tipParamter for Parameters of Operations
*tipNotification for Notifications
The detailed attributes of each stereotype are describes in the TIP Profile section.