The patterns listed in this section are part of the current JOSIF version. For a description of the patters planned for future versions, see General Patterns - Future.
TIP is using stereotypes to provide implementation-level decoration on the model that can be used by the generators.
The pattern used in TIP is to define 1 stereotype per type of object, named tipXxxx, where Xxxx is the type of object. This stereotype will contain a number of attributes where each attribute will contain a specific decoration.
The top level stereotypes defined in TIP are:
- tipClass for Entities
- tipDatatype for Datatypes
- tipAttribute for Attributes of Entitities and Association ends
- tipAssociationClass for Association Classes
- tipPackage for Packages
- tipServiceInterface for Service Interfaces
- tipOperation for Operations
- tipParamter for Parameters of Operations
- tipNotification for Notifications
The detailed attributes of each stereotype are describes in the TIP Profile section.
Interface Metamodel
Model Transformation Rules
Only in JOSIF R1.1Model Transformation Rules Describes the Model Transformation Rules pattern.
Entity Identifier
Only in JOSIF R1.1