Every non-abstract session facade artifact is mapped to an XSD file (SOAP message definitions), and two WSDL files (one for HTTP binding, one for JMS binding). The targetNamespace of these files will be the image of package name under mapping rule rule TIP _ Soap _ Generator _ Mapping _ Rules _ - _ Part _ I#Mapping Rule for Namespace.
In SPM model, the session facade artifact org.tmforum.tip.service.problem.ServiceProblemInterface is mapped to
Please refer to mapping rules about operations and parameters:
Rule for Attributes, Association Ends, and Parameters
TIP_Soap_Generator_Mapping_Rules_-_Part_III#Mapping_Rules_for_Operations CANNOT FIND THIS
Service Interface; Inheritance
same with mapping rule in TIP _ Soap _ Generator _ Mapping _ Rules _ - _Part_IV#Session Facade___InheritancePart IV#Service Interface; Inheritance
In Test2 model, service interface org.tmforum.tip.test.TestExternalSuperServiceInterface extends external service interface org.tmforum.tip.service.test.ServiceTestProblemInterface. The super interface is defined in Test1 model. Note that the ServiceTestProblemInterface extends interface org.tmforum.tip.cbe.test.TestProblemInterface.