JOSIF Main Page | JOSIF Guidebook | Modeling | General Patterns | Common Operations

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Only in JOSIF V1.1.

Common operations cover create, delete, set and get applied to a single entity class.

They define patterns and signatures for each of these operations. Those operations are defined using tipEntityXxx stereotypes on the corresponding entity artifact, where Xxx is the name of the operation. These stereotypes are defined in the TIP _ Profile.

The generators, based on the values of the attributes of each stereotype, will generate the corresponding common operation.


This common operation is defined by the stereotype tipEntityCreate stereotype TIP Profile#tipEntityCreate that describes the various attributes used to configure this operation.


The createDataForObjectType is just a placeholder here. The generator will define a specific structure based on the attributes of the given object type that are settable at time of object creation. This is defined by the attribute settableAtCreation of the the tipAttribute stereotype.

The object name would be in createData in the case of autonaming.
If the server determines that the object already exists (either via the name or some other info), then the request shall fail with the exception Duplicate. If supported by the object type in question, an Object Creation notification is sent when this operation is successful.


This common operation is defined by the stereotype stereotype  tipEntityDeletethat describes the various attributes used to configure this operation.


This common operation is defined by the stereotype stereotype tipEntityGet  that describes the various attributes used to configure this operation.


This common operation is defined by the stereotype tipEntityGetMuliple stereotype  tipEntityGetMultiple that describes the various attributes used to configure this operation.


getThingIds will be generated if the value of the attribute ‘’getType’’ of the tipEntityGetMuliple tipEntityGetMultiple stereotype is id or 'both'.

The following figure shows the documentation that will be generated for this directive:


getThings will be generated if the value of the attribute ‘’getType’’ of the tipEntityGetMuliple tipEntityGetMultiple stereotype is value or both.


This common operation is defined by the stereotype tipEntitySet that describes the various attributes used to configure this operation.


This common operation is defined by the stereotype tipEntitySetMuliple stereotype  tipEntitySetMultiple that describes the various attributes used to configure this operation.


setThings will be generated if the value of the attribute ‘’isAtomic’’ of the tipEntitySetMuliple the   tipEntitySetMultiple stereotype is false.

The following figure shows the documentation that will be generated for this directive:


setThingsAtomic will be generated if the value of the attribute ‘’isAtomic’’ of the tipEntitySetMuliple   tipEntitySetMultiple stereotype is true.

Note that setThingsAtomic is not yet implemented in JOSIF V1.1. Refer to mantis bug 505. This will be fixed in JOSIF V1.2

This is now JIRA bug 

Jira Legacy
serverJIRA (

The following figure shows the documentation that will be generated for this directive:

Image RemovedNEED FILE HERE File:SetThingsAtomic.jpg

This is an atomic operation, all objects should be successfully set or the operation will failed and no object will be set.
